Where does the spa culture originate? This answer may have been a long time to test. At first, the human found hot springs, but also found that animals in the spring to restore fatigue. It is said that the Japanese did not know that the hot springs had the function of treating the disease at first, and later because they saw a wounded little animal recovering miraculously after the hot springs, so that they began to seriously study the function of the hot springs. Modern people gradually as hot springs as a leisure health, decompression or even treatment methods, this trend quickly spread in the world.

Happy Hot Spring

Enjoy The Hot Springs

China's hot springs have documented up to 972, of which the temperature is higher than 50 ℃ there are 229. According to the geological survey, according to preliminary statistics, now the provinces and municipalities, autonomous regions have found more than 3,000 hot springs.


        Hot spring is a kind of spring water, strictly speaking, is natural from the underground natural gushing water, spring temperature significantly higher than the local average temperature and lower than (equal to) 45 degrees of groundwater natural spring called hot springs , And contains minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Spa etiquette

Spa is basically a public bath, there are naked bath, there are men and women mixed bath open-air bath, but also to wear bathing bath bath, need to confirm in advance.
· Quiet bath, do not splash water on others.
· Towel only cover the head, large bath towel prohibited into the pool.

And many more.


Spa culture

    Chinese working people find and apply spa treatment, has a long history of thousands of years. As early as the pre-Qin "Shan Hai Jing" there will be a "hot spring" records. 1000 years ago, "Mountain by the note" in mind: "Kou water out of the group Lingqiu high pressure mountain ... ..., and East Heiquan water, water out of the north of the noisy valley, the water temperature if the soup, "The Han Dynasty astronomers also specifically wrote the" hot spring Fu ", the text wrote:" in the domain of the Jane light, no water of the gods ... ... so that the trek, trembling to Zhen, Heaven and earth of the German, Mo Ruosheng Xi. Imperial education subjects, the fury of the composition of the six gas Yin wrong, there are medical treatment Come. Hot spring parked to flow in the age of Xi, in addition to harsh, service is in the Xi Xi Hezai Emperor Zai, "


  • Partial bathing

    According to the patient's illness and the patient's physical condition, can not or should not do the whole body bath, you can use a different local bath. The main methods are the following:

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  • Water sports bath

    Mineral water sports bath that is in the water for a variety of physical exercise, which is characterized by a combination of bath and medical sports. Water movement includes active and passive movement.

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  • Spa is a natural therapy

    Hot spring is a natural therapy, most of the chemical substances will precipitate on the skin, change the skin pH, it has the role of absorption, precipitation and removal, the chemical substances can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, endocrine and immune system.

    0 2022-02-25
  • Hot springs have some points in particular need attention

    For the hot springs, the following points in particular need to pay attention:

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