Cloud Air Conditioning, Private Customization, Cloud Supermarket - "Internet Plus" Action of Chinese Enterprises

Such "cloud air conditioners" benefit from the support of "Internet +". Encourage manufacturing enterprises to use technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and big data to integrate product life-cycle data, form decision-making service information for the entire process of production organization, and provide data support for product optimization and upgrading. Encourage enterprises to carry out online value-added services based on the Internet, expand product value space, and realize the transformation and upgrading from manufacturing to "manufacturing + service".


"The improvement of Internet facilities has enabled home appliance manufacturers to no longer just stop at making products. Enterprises can do more to help users create an indoor environment and improve intelligent experience." The Internet allows enterprises to sell air conditioners and also increase technology services. At the same time, based on a large amount of user demand data, products that are more in line with consumer habits can be developed.

"Mass personalization" is an important element in the guidance. The guiding opinions propose to support enterprises to use the Internet to collect and meet the personalized needs of users, promote the flexible transformation of key links such as design and development, manufacturing and supply chain management, and carry out service model and business model innovation based on personalized products. Encourage Internet companies to integrate market information and tap market segment needs and development trends.