Recruiting many companies to debut, providing 20,000 jobs

Paying close attention to the impact of the epidemic on the employment situation, it made a series of important instructions on coordinating the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and put forward clear requirements for strengthening measures to stabilize employment.


In this national recruitment campaign, the "cloud recruitment" mode was launched. More than 20 professional companies participated in the group, and about 20,000 positions were open to the whole society. In addition, hundreds of thousands of agents are being recruited across the country to stabilize the "jobs" of thousands of households. The data shows that the number of college graduates this year reached 8.74 million, and the increment and growth rate were both in recent years. The outbreak of the epidemic coincided with the spring recruitment period, and graduates' job search and employment were greatly affected. In order to solve the urgent needs of new students, the 2020 spring campus recruitment was launched in March, opening more than 2,000 job requirements to college students at home and abroad, covering technology, product, functional, medical, marketing, management training and other types of jobs. Types, including 2020 fresh graduate recruitment and 2021 interns reserve.


 The deputy general manager and chief human resources executive said that the resumption of work and production during the epidemic, combined with online and other technological means, all businesses were carried out normally. While resisting the impact of the epidemic, we will recruit for the whole society, because employment is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, but also to thousands of households. Behind this is the happiness and well-being of millions of families. It is the responsibility of society and people's livelihood to let millions of employees perform their duties and get their own way, and create a better life with hard work.


As a trustworthy career platform, the platform resources, talent training mechanism and cultural soil are very suitable for the rapid adaptation and growth of job seekers. First of all, with five ecological circles spanning finance, medical care, automobiles, real estate and smart cities, the diversification of business can provide job seekers with rich job choices and exercise opportunities. Secondly, some online and offline training resources and training programs for thousands of people can quickly help new employees improve their professional skills and cultivate good workplace habits. In addition, it also has a large domestic enterprise training base, as well as a powerful online intelligent training platform, with as many as 50,000 high-quality courses. For the school enrollment training, the 1+N training model is adopted, and each professional company also has its own special training to help newcomers quickly integrate into the company.