Sign house lease contract

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The act that the owner or operator of the house hands over the house owned or operated by him to the house consumers for use, and the house consumers obtain the right to occupy and use the house by regularly paying a certain amount of rent. House leasing is a commodity circulation mode in which the use value of houses is sold sporadically.
House leasing refers to the behavior that the lessor (generally the house owner) leases the house to the lessee for use, and the lessee pays the rent to the lessor.
If the lease term of the house exceeds six months, both parties must sign a written contract. The house lease contract shall include the following main terms: the scope and area of the leased house; The term and purpose of the house lease; The amount of rent and the time of delivery; Responsibility for house repair, sublease and liability for breach of contract, etc. On this basis, both parties shall hold the house lease contract to the real estate management department where the house is located for filing and registration, and obtain the house lease certificate.
When renting a house, the renter shall carefully check the personal situation of the landlord. If the landlord himself signs the contract, it is best to check his real estate card and ID card; If you are helping a friend rent a house, you must have a lease power of attorney, a friend's real estate certificate, ID card or copy; If the house property certificate is not handled, it must issue a house purchase contract to prove its identity. In addition, for the "second landlord" problem that may be encountered when renting a house, the tenant should verify whether the "second landlord" has the right to sublet the house during its lease period, and ask it to show the lease contract and provide the relevant property right certificate of the house, so as to avoid legal disputes.
When signing the house lease contract, the lessee must see clearly the terms stipulated in the contract and clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. For example, the lease purpose, lease term, repair responsibility, change and termination of the contract, signing of sublease, liability for breach of contract and other terms, both parties should reach an agreement through consultation to avoid disputes and unnecessary troubles in the process of renting the house in the future.
When paying the house deposit, the renter should negotiate with the owner whether to charge one to pay three, two to pay three or two to pay four. Because when the tenant requests to return the lease at the expiration of the contract, the landlord may deduct the tenant's deposit on the condition of damage to housing facilities or other excuses, resulting in unnecessary losses to the tenant. Therefore, when signing the lease contract, both parties should indicate the number of working days after the expiration of the lease. If the house and its facilities are not damaged, the owner should return the deposit.

Created on:2022-02-22 13:47